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Drone Photogrammetry Services

England, Scotland & Wales




What is drone photogrammetry?


Simply put, it's the art of combining many drone images into a single larger product.


This can come in several forms:



Drone Photogrammetry Services, UK Wide |  Orthomosaics, Digital 3D Models, Digital Elevation Models, 3D Printing




A large, high-resolution, geo-located 2D image of a location.


Scale and detail collide

With satellite imagery, you get scale, but no detail. With traditional drone imagery and footage, you get detail, but no scale. Orthomosaics deliver the best of both worlds.


Interactive Graphic

Orthomosaic versus latest Google satellite imagery

Full Screen

(Best viewed full-screen on a desktop)

(Best viewed  full-screen on a desktop)



Orthomosaics included in the following dpLtd service packages:



Drone Photogrammetry Services, UK Wide |  Orthomosaics, Digital 3D Models, Digital Elevation Models, 3D Printing
Drone Photogrammetry Services, UK Wide |  Orthomosaics, Digital 3D Models, Digital Elevation Models, 3D Printing

Highly detailed digital model, viewed and interrogated on a desktop or tablet.


Unlimited perspective

View a site or structure in intricate detail from the comfort of your desktop. Any angle you like.

Zoom in. Zoom out. Unlimited 360° movement. Access more perspectives than expensive scaffolding allows.




Digital 3D Modelling included in the following dpLtd service packages:



dp CAD Capture.png
dp Craft Capture Logo.png
Drone Photogrammetry Services, UK Wide |  Orthomosaics, Digital 3D Models, Digital Elevation Models, 3D Printing

Elevation data at a glance.


Undulation station

Similar to an orthomosaic, a DEM is a geo-located 2D image. Rather than displaying the land as seen from above, however, it displays the elevation of the area. Usually presented either in grey-scale, topographical colour schemes, or hill-shade.


There are two types of DEM:


Digital Surface Model (DSM)

An elevation model of the land and everything on it, precisely as it's captured.


Digital Terrain Model (DTM)

An elevation model with structures and trees digitally removed. The land beneath is digitally "interpolated" (estimated) and presented.



Interactive Graphic

Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Orthomosaic

Full Screen

(Best viewed full-screen on a desktop)



Digital Elevation Modelling (DEMs) included in the following dpLtd service package:



Drone Photogrammetry Services, UK Wide |  Orthomosaics, Digital 3D Models, Digital Elevation Models, 3D Printing
Drone Photogrammetry Services, UK Wide |  Orthomosaics, Digital 3D Models, Digital Elevation Models, 3D Printing


3D Printing


Intricately detailed, 3D printed scale models.


Bestow pride of place upon a place you're proud of

Capture and print any building or structure. Whether for ornamental or exhibitive purposes, we print using high quality materials. Displayed on an engraved wooden base of English oak if desired.


3D Printing included in the following dpLtd service packages:



dp Craft Capture Logo.png
Drone Photogrammetry Services, UK Wide |  Orthomosaics, Digital 3D Models, Digital Elevation Models, 3D Printing
David Parker Drone Photogrammetry Services, UK Wide |  Orthomosaics, Digital 3D Models, Digital Elevation Models, 3D Printing

Managing Director of dpLtd.

David Parker Drone Photogrammetry Services, UK Wide |  Orthomosaics, Digital 3D Models, Digital Elevation Models, 3D Printing
David Parker Drone Photogrammetry Services, UK Wide |  Orthomosaics, Digital 3D Models, Digital Elevation Models, 3D Printing

Hello and welcome to Drone Photogrammetry Ltd.


I received my drone pilot permissions in 2015 and have since logged more than 142 flight hours.


All without incident.


In 2018, I adapted my skillset to specialise explicitly in the use of drone photogrammetry, and in the last five years I've planned, executed and processed:



More than 16,297 acres (6,598 hectares) of orthomosaics, which, if combined, would envelop the whole of central London:


Drone Photogrammetry Ltd Total Hectarage


I've competently navigated thousands of hazardous acres, predominantly of forest and peatland. My largest single orthomosaic to date was 2,206ac (893Ha) of Scottish peatland.


18 digital 3D models, of various structures, landscapes, buildings and archaeological ruins.


6 sculptures of buildings and landmarks, captured and 3D-printed in intricate detail.



I'm adept at piloting in and around:



Forestry (EFAW+F certified), including active harvesting sites and post-harvesting sites.


Wind farms and individual turbines.


Expansive areas of peatland.


Expansive areas of windblow. "Expansive" meaning on the scale of the devastation left across North East England and eastern Scotland the wake of Storm Arwen (November 2021), where the comparatively smaller compartments of windblow were still dozens of hectares in scale.


Expansive areas of wetland.


Conservation areas.


Buildings and structures.


Private land and public beauty spots.


I now operate with GVC permissions across mainland Britain (England, Scotland & Wales), and with bases in London, Newcastle and Ballater, I'm available for all your photogrammetric needs!


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