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Slope Gradient Analysis
Drone Photogrammetry Services, UK Wide |  Orthomosaics, Digital 3D Models, Digital Elevation Models, 3D Printing

Digital Elevation Models

Elevation data at a glance.


Undulation station

Similar to an orthomosaic, a DEM is a geo-located 2D image. Rather than displaying the land as seen from above, however, it displays the elevation of the area. Usually presented either in grey-scale, topographical colour schemes, or hill-shade.



There are two types of DEM:


Digital Surface Model (DSM)

An elevation model of the land and everything on it, precisely as it's captured.


Digital Terrain Model (DTM)

An elevation model with structures, vegetation and other non-persistent objects digitally removed. The land beneath these objects is digitally "interpolated" (estimated), and an estimation of the true "geodesic" surface is revealed. Depending on the nature of the area, the process of digitally removing structures etc. can be very time intensive. This will be reflected in the price.



We deliver a Digital Surface Model as standard along with their accompanying orthomosaics. We present them in a standardised topographical colour scheme, layered over a 3D hillshade model, for easy interpretation, as shown:



Interactive Graphic

Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Orthomosaic

Full Screen

(Best viewed  full-screen on a desktop)

This elevation data can then be presented in a few different ways.


As the above graphic shows, we can deliver an output that displays the elevation across the subject area. We layer a standard topographical colour scheme over a hillshade model, allowing truly "at-a-glance" interpretation. Complete with a legend that displays the values of the highest and lowest points. Essential for identifying optimum drainage routes and vegetation management. 



Interactive Graphic

Slope Gradient Model and Orthomosaic

Full Screen

(Best viewed  full-screen on a desktop)

From the same dataset, we're also able to generate the slope gradients of an area, clearly displaying which areas bear only a gradual slope, and contrasting them with other areas where the topography is more severe. Employing graphical outputs like these when devising land management strategies means more robust decision-making and less being left to chance.


Combining DEMs with GIS in this way is granting landowners powerful new insights. The ability to view and interrogate topography in such granular detail, before pinpointing problem areas which they can then locate and visit on the ground is enabling them to unlock far more. Our DEMs provide a precise 3D representation of the landscape that can be used for a variety of planning and engineering applications.



​With our DEM service, we deliver:

  • TIF file, to be imported and interrogated using your preferred GIS software.

  • High resolution PDF and JPEG previews. We can deliver whichever presentation you prefer: grey-scale, topographical colour scheme or hill-shade. Complete with scale, layered over a topographical basemap.



Available in Service Package:

Our DEM pricing brochure is available on request.


Please email us with the subject "DEM Pricing Enquiry"



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